virtual money, which exists in a decentralized form, which is diametrically opposed to traditional means of payment with a central issuing institution

When the first cryptocurrency - Bitcoin was created, few people thought that this virtual money would mess with global finances. Today it is already known that you should know as much as possible about them in order to be aware of the opportunities and threats that come with them.
Looking at how quickly the world changes, the appearance of Bitcoin in 2008 seems like prehistory, a very distant time. It's been 12 years, which nowadays is more than an epoch. The history of cryptocurrencies was different - they had their ups and downs. Many made a fortune on them, others lost a lot. Whenever something new arises, uncertainty prevails, and that was definitely the case here. After some time, however, we can look at cryptocurrencies from a distance, judging them honestly.
Cryptocurrencies - what exactly are they?
It is - simply put - virtual money, which exists in a decentralized form, which is diametrically opposed to traditional means of payment with a central issuing institution. What does this mean in practice? It is independent of such big entities influencing the fate of the world as governments or banks. Cryptocurrencies are not limited by anything, they are not defined by rigid regulations, and they cannot be assigned to a specific country. To some it will seem encouraging, to others - quite the opposite - rejecting. Both attitudes are legitimate, as cryptocurrencies have both advantages and disadvantages. Let's get to know them!
Advantages worth noting
Cryptocurrencies allow you to make transactions anywhere in the world. The funds sent to the recipient reach him very quickly. They are also not burdened with high conversion costs (as in the case of traditional money);
We can pay in this way for various products, but also services, thus buying, among others, accommodation in a hotel;
What is very important, it does not matter from which location we send the transfer, because everything is done in real time;
Cryptocurrencies are not afraid of inflation, because the number of coins appearing in circulation is predetermined;
It is also extremely important that you can earn money thanks to virtual money! Such opportunities are provided by cryptocurrency exchanges, and one of the best ones can be found at ;
Cryptocurrencies ensure anonymity, so during the transaction we do not have to worry that we are "watched" by, for example, government institutions.
What about the disadvantages?
What appears to be an advantage on the one hand, i.e. the lack of currency control by financial institutions, is also a disadvantage. We need to know that no country ensures the stability of cryptocurrencies, which in turn means that their exchange rate is highly speculative;
The lack of central institutions also means the risk that all kinds of criminals use cryptocurrencies to pursue their illegal businesses;
The big weakness of bitcoin is also the fact that many countries do not accept them or there are no regulations that regulate this market. This raises a lot of problems, which certainly discourages many people from starting the adventure with cryptocurrencies.
Is it worth it or not? It is impossible to really answer this question unambiguously, because we all have to consider it individually. It is certainly a great chance to multiply profits, but also a risk related to speculation. Before we try, we'll never know what if. So maybe it's worth finding out if cryptocurrencies are for us?