11 Things You Must Know About Google’s 200+ Ranking Factors

About Google's 200+ Ranking Factors Does Google Really Have 200 Ranking Factors? Here are 11 things we know for sure based on claims made by Google

11 Things You Must Know About Google’s 200+ Ranking Factors11 Things You Must Know About Google’s 200+ Ranking Factors

About Google's 200+ Ranking Factors Does Google Really Have 200 Ranking Factors? Here are 11 things we know for sure based on claims made by Google itself.

Keeping track of ranking factors of Google nunca sido so difficult.

Google is updating its algorithm at an unprecedented rate.

What had no influence on search ranking yesterday may become an important ranking factor today.

The opposite also is true. The ranking factors are not set in stone.

Also, the amount of misinformation that must be analyzed makes it difficult to know what to believe.

You will often come across articles where the author backs up his claims about ranking factors with opinions or anecdotal evidence.

For this reason, the Search Engine Journal editorial team has reviewed and analyzed 88 of the most discussed potentials in their Google Ranking Factors: Fact or Fiction Guide.

In this article, we'll take a different approach by going straight to the source: Google.

We take a look at the top ranking factors validated by Google and explain what they mean for search and our SEO efforts.

Before I get to that, the broader myth I need to dispel about ranking factors.

Myth: Google has 200 ranking factors beyond all

OK, I can't prove without a doubt that there aren't actually 200 ranking factors, but let's look at one.

The number "200" appears to have originated around 2009 when Google's Matt Cutts mentioned that there were "more than 200 variables" in Google's algorithm.

Remember, that was over ten years ago. Was:

  •  HTTPS:thumbs up.

  • An index for mobile devices.

  • Hummingbird.

  • Various updates and changes,including the introduction of machine learning into the algorithm with RankBrain.

Things have changed a bit.

Assuming there was a good round of 200 as the number of ranking factors back then, Google has probably added at least one or two factors to that combination since then.

So the first legitimate fact we've seen here is that there aren't 200 ranking factors.

Since then, Google has come a long way.

We must also keep in mind that most of the more than 200 factors have different states or applicable meanings.

Not all rating signals are "on" or "off", "good or bad" (although some of them, for example a site with or without HTTPS, may have this status).

Also, some ranking factors can be influenced by others.

For example, the spam factor can only be activated when the link threshold is reached for a certain period of time. The signal is absent in the algorithm until it works, so the question may arise: is it a constant factor or not?

But let's leave this discussion to the philosophers, shall we?

With this understanding of the 200 factor myth and its application (or undisclosed), we move on to other known factors.

While I mentioned earlier that many factors are not easy to understand, that does not mean they are unknown.

We know that the sun exists, but we don't understand much about how it works.

However, learning about its existence and some of its key findings has proven to be very helpful over the years. Search ranking factors are no different.

While we may not always understand the influence or nuances of how your calculations work, or how they affect other aspects of general algorithms, there are factors that are known and knowledge shows that an area is worth working on. .

In terms of proven facts, these are the ranking factors that we know for sure:

1. Content as a factor in Google's

Content ranking is the backbone of Google search. This is why search engines were invented - to make web content easier to find.

Not Google without content. It goes without saying that content is the main ranking factor.

This is confirmed by "Google's How Search Works Resource", which explains how algorithms work in easy-to-understand language:

"... algorithms analyze the content of web pages to assess whether the page contains information that may be relevant to you. "re search ...." The

proof is there, but that doesn't mean you have to create content just to give Google more URLs to index.

When it comes to ranking content, Google does it. There are two important things. " Things: quality and relevance.

In other words, is the content well-written and largely free of spelling and grammatical errors?

If so, is the content relevant compared to user demand? If you check

These boxes, you have a much better chance of getting a high ranking on Google. Its algorithms can distinguish valuable content from compiled content effortlessly.

2. The main resources of the web as a fact Google rankings are inextricably linked

In a hierarchy of ranking factors, the usability of a website is almost like the content.

I say "almost" because the relevancy of the content overrides any other ranking factor on this list. Although Google prefers to direct search engines to pages with a great user experience,

Google measures user experience by analyzing three metrics, they are called Core Web Vitals. They were introduced in 2020 and were, for example, a ranking factor. On a

blog by inoffizielle devon, ArticlesGoogle says:

"Today we announce that we are announcing in May 2021 that secondary experience signals will be activated with our existing search signals, including mobile usability, HTTPS security and intrusive interstitial rules." Google

plans its CoreWeb Vitals every year to update what it considers important for a good user experience on the Internet

. When CoreWeb Vitals integrates search rankings, they contain:

  • Largest ContentPaint(LCP) measures - how long it takes for the image or the largest block of text in a window.

  • First Input Latency (FID)load: measures the time it takes for the browser to respond when the user navigates to the page (CLS).

  • Cumulative LayoutShiftmeasures visual stability to determine if there is a significant change in screen content while the article is loading.

For more information on how to measure these metrics, see mainweb MĂ©tricassobre measures.

3. The speed of the website as a Google ranking factor,

luckily you can put it in the "done" category. Google announced this as a factorial class message in 2010 that read:

“You may have heard that we are obsessed with speed here at Google, in our products, and on the web. As part of this effort, today we are adding a new signal to our search ranking algorithms: website speed.

"Interestingly, it was not used as a ranking until July this year factor for mobile devices.

Presumably, Google relied on page load speed on desktop computers until then, and the provision of a mobile-centric index gave as a result, speed was added as a factor.

4. Mobile usability as a ranking factor Google-

a website optimized for mobile is to say the least, a ranking factor.

the only test that should be included in my opinion here, is provision mobile-centric index

5. Title tags that Google's ranking factor

Unsurprisingly , title tags are a proven ranking factor.

We all knew that, but this is a list of facts.

John Mueller Google confirmed it in their next hangout a few years ago. The video begins by discussing the basics:

Ask Read Make Sure Google also rewrites title tags that in the SERP holds further development.

6. Links as a ranking factor Links

Google is a proven ranking factor. Links have been repeatedly confirmed as a ranking factor over the years.

By Matt CuttslĂ  , who mentioned in 2014 that it will probably take many years to get three firsts in a short time after RankBrain's launch, links are a confirmed factor.

At some point in the future, the marshalling may be replaced by the object's marshaling, but that day is not today. Then the "fact" of the references simply becomes the "fact" of the entities.

7. Include anchor text as a ranking factor for example

I will not consider the aspects of links that are "given" as facts, a link from a relevant site is worth more than a link from a low-scoring directory or a new site. ... They are usually discussed in link discussions and confirmed there.

However, one signal that needs to be discussed is the anchor text.

Some have questioned whether anchor text is used as a signal, and of course its overuse can be detrimental (which in itself should confirm its use as a signal).

However, it cannot be overlooked that anchor text is always mentioned in Google's Beginner's Guide to SEO , and has been for many years.

In addition, during a video conference during office hours, Mueller advised using anchor text inside, which reinforces the theme of the page and confirms it for reference.

Google recommends using anchor text strategically. This means that you should not link to pages that use common expressions such as "click here" or "see this page".

The anchor text should describe the page it links to so that users have an idea of ​​what they will ultimately accomplish. It also gives Google more information about the page that can help rank it.

However, over-optimized anchor text can destroy great content.

If most of the links pointing to your website contain anchor text with lots of keywords, Google will recognize this as a spam signal and may downgrade or de-index the content on your website.

Learn more about anchor text as a signal ranking at Google Ranking Factors - Fact or Fiction.

8. User intent / behavior as a Google ranking factor.

The user intent is more a bunch of signals than the signal itself, but we're going to push the links a little higher and we have to do the same here.

The reason for their grouping is that they de facto form a group, but the individual signals within this group are largely undetectable and in some cases undetectable.

To test user intent as a signal, all you have to do is consider RankBrain.

RankBrain is often understood as a signal. Personally, I think it's more of an algorithm that interprets signals, but that's a semantic discussion.

What Google Says About RankBrain:

“When RankBrain sees a word or phrase that it is unfamiliar with, the machine can guess which words or phrases might have a similar meaning and filter the result accordingly to make it more efficient. when processing unpublished searches ”.

So its purpose is not to act as a signal, as we normally think, but to act as an interpreter between the search engine and the search engine, transmitting to the search engine the address of the query, in which the keywords themselves have some ambiguity . .. ...

In all cases the intention of the user is taken into account.

Consideration of aspects of user behavior in the context of CTR, stickiness (which is not a confirmedThat direct signal), etc. to my knowledge, none of these factors have been confirmed by Google.

That does not mean that they are not used, but in this article we are talking about facts, not about scenarios in which we are 99% sure or that they have patents because they are not facts.

9. Geo Location as a Google Ranking Factor

I could cite a wide range of discussions and claims about geolocation and the idea that your location in space and time affects your results.

Or I could just post the following image from the search I did when I was hungry.

Geo-location search for pizza from Victoria, BC.Screenshot of [Pizza] search, Google, September 2021 In

case you don't know ... I'm in Victoria.

Enough talk.

10. HTTPS as a Google ranking factor.

This is a small factor, but easy to confirm, because Google did it for us on August 6, 2014 when they blogged:

“... we are starting to use HTTPS as a ranking signal. Right now, this is just a very mild signal - it affects less than 1% of total requests and carries less weight than other signals, such as high-quality content, while we let webmasters switch to HTTPS. But over time we can choose to strengthen it… ”

11. Domain authority as a ranking factor for Google.

If you follow Google news and announcements as closely as I do, you may doubt the veracity of this entire article.

After all, Mueller said on Reddit:

Domain Authority as a Moz metric.Screenshot quoted from Reddit.com, September 2021 So

why should I make domain authority one when Google specifically doesn't say so?

Because they call it tom-a-tom-ah.

Obviously, Bill Hartzer was not asking about Moz's metrics, but about the idea that a domain has the authority and therefore the power to rank its pages.

MĂĽller evaded the answer and cited Mohs's metric, which was seen as a refutation of the general idea.

In the Google Hangout, however, Mueller says:

“When it comes to ranking, there are both. These are individual pages, but also the site as a whole ”.

This quote refers to the fact that Google rates pages to determine where to locate them in search, and it also rates the website as a whole.

Google rewards websites for historical importance and creating highly consistent content.

I understand that Mueller tried to poke fun at the Reddit AMA a bit, and I don't blame him for messing with his answer.

We have to deal with them. Facts and luckily available if you do your research.

Now you know one more fact about Google's "200" ranking factors.

These are facts.

In conclusion, let's remember that everything you think about numerical ranking factors becomes more and more invalid with each step of the full integration of machine learning into Google's algorithms.

Machine learning may also not currently be possible as correction factors programmed by engineers, but it isn't long before they are tasked with finding and weighing evaluation factors that have not yet been taken into account.

In fact, he looked for the common characteristics of a known good (or known bad) result and began to use them in his calculations.

So the number of factors is not only unknown, but also unrecognizable.

And it is a fact.



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11 Things You Must Know About Google’s 200+ Ranking Factors
About Google's 200+ Ranking Factors Does Google Really Have 200 Ranking Factors? Here are 11 things we know for sure based on claims made by Google
Urdu Soft Books: Well-researched and Best Quality Trending Articles | Famous Urdu Books and Novels
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