CBD oil are most commonly used for sleep, discomfort, and mental health issues. study, that suggests that CBD could help patients

Supplements, especially CBD oil are most commonly used for sleep, discomfort, and mental health issues. We don’t have sufficient data to determine if CBD can cure, treat, or aid these conditions, but many people are seeing great results. We do know that taking high potency CBD oil incorrectly will not produce any benefits for sleep or other common issues that people use CBD to treat.
Dosing for Sleep
Before you start taking CBD oil for sleep, you must find your dose. Because we don’t have enough information about CBD, the responsibility of dosing falls on the consumer. Taking too little or too much CBD could dramatically affect the results.
A study done in 2015 suggests that isolate CBD can be less effective at high doses, while a full-plant extract delivers an increase in benefits as the dosage is increased.
Regardless of what type of CBD you choose, we suggest starting with a low dose and working your way up. Most people tolerate CBD well but there are some rare cases of unpleasant side-effects.
When to Take CBD for Sleep?
Most companies recommend taking CBD capsules, tinctures, or your preferred administration method 30 minutes before sleep. We suggest taking CBD every night for an extended period to ensure your body is getting a healthy amount of CBD.
How Much CBD Oil for Sleep?
The typical CBD dosage for sleep is around 25-75mg. Your body weight, metabolism, and tolerance all play into how much CBD is right for you. We recommend starting with a low dose and working your way up to this range over at least a couple of weeks.
Taking too much CBD could result in a reduction of benefits but you will most likely just be wasting CBD. Finding your dose is crucial to getting the most out of CBD.
When taking CBD oil for sleep, we suggest taking it sublingually. This means allowing the oil to be absorbed under the tongue. We all have mucosal glands along our cheeks and under the tongue that can absorb CBD oil into the bloodstream.
Can CBD Oil Work for Insomnia?
According to WebMD, insomnia is a sleep disorder in which you have trouble falling and/or staying asleep. Over 3 million Americans are diagnosed with insomnia per year. Being diagnosed is dependent on several factors and is done on a case-by-case basis.
There is no evidence that CBD can help treat insomnia. If you think you are suffering from insomnia it is wise to consult a doctor and come up with a multifaceted approach to finding the source of your issue. CBD may be one of the components that help a larger plan including a better diet, regular exercise, and treating mental illness.
If you are interested in taking CBD oil for insomnia, we suggest taking it consistently over a couple of weeks. Research is available, such as this study, that suggests that CBD could help patients with sleeping disorders, however, we need much larger data sets.
CBD Oil for Sleep
CBD has worked for countless people. If you are taking CBD oil, or CBD sleep gummies, make sure to be consistent. This is the most common reason why people don’t get the results they expect. Taking CBD only once will not magically solve all your problems.
If you are experiencing issues sleeping, we recommend a multifaceted approach that includes CBD. Exercise at least three times a week, eat a minimum of 5 cups of vegetables per week and take CBD regularly. Health problems are complex and require more than just one solution, supplements may help users with some of these issues, but you will likely need a more comprehensive plan to see results.