What Sites and Social Networks Do Your Startup Need

The startup creator should think about what social networks and platforms the information about his project will be presented on. Conventionally, such sites can be divided into mandatory for business and those that depend on the business model.

What Sites and Social Networks Do Your Startup Need
The startup creator should think about what social networks and platforms the information about his project will be presented on. Conventionally, such sites can be divided into mandatory for business and those that depend on the business model.
Let's start with the obligatory startup sites. Many experts cite almost dozens of examples of web pages, but the American startup community converges on just a few.
Initially, it is worth registering the company and its creators on Crunchbase and AngelList. These two platforms are somewhat similar.
On CrunchBase, you can find information about many private and public companies, including about accelerators, startups, or venture funds, you can also find out about the size of investments, portfolio of funds.
Recently, the site has acquired a paid version, and the free functionality is very truncated, but this does not affect the registration of the company. Often, third-party users register companies here after seeing information about the business, for example, in the press. And the creators can then edit the description.
In the case of my startup CruiseBe, information about it was on Crunchbase for about six months, until we noticed it. Moreover, the information was incorrect, I had to register and change everything. Also, on this platform, there is a convenient function of adding all references in the press about the company.
Photo CrunchBase

As for AngelList, there, in addition to finding information about startups, foundations, and angel investors, you can even try to raise investments using the so-called Syndicate.
This process is somewhat similar to crowdfunding, but it is already more professional from the investor's point of view. AngelList can also add detailed information about the company, creators, and products, as well as specify investors, mentors, or advisers.
Both platforms help startups get on the radar of investors, partners, or the press. They must register for a young startup. Two other platforms that are remotely similar to AngelList and Crunchbase are Gust and F6S - they also will not hurt to have pages with information about the company.
Through all these platforms, startups will be able to find potential partners or investors. Also, some fairly rated media, from time to time, analyze these platforms and talk about new and promising companies in their collections, so there is the possibility of unexpectedly getting into the press.
For example, the reasonably popular Skift edition mentioned us in this way.
Also, if a business is registered in the United States, it will not hurt to place itself on the Google Business pages ( subject to a real office or at least coworking). Thus, when you search for information on Google, the company will be necessarily displayed in the top pages.
Photo: Google

The next type of platforms and social networks in which a startup is worth registering depends on the business model. True, this is somewhat arbitrary.
First of all, the founders need to create their own pages and the company’s page on the LinkedIn network, which has more than 430 million active users. It is advisable to regularly update these pages.
If the startup has a B2B business model ( business for business), then updating and maintaining these pages is mandatory. In the US, this social network is called the most important for businessmen and entrepreneurs. Therefore, having LinkedIn pages and their activity can definitely help.
Also, an excellent social network for business is Twitter, with its 310 million users. According to studies, more than 87% of marketers recommend this social network for the B2B model. As practice shows, for B2C ( business for the consumer), Twitter remains a dark horse; it’s quite challenging to convert subscribers to customers here.
Of course, do not forget about registering a business page on Facebook. There are many rumors about the effectiveness of this social network, but 1.65 billion monthly active users speak for themselves. Already in the process, the founder understands whether it is worth keeping the page active or not enough to let it die and publish updates from time to time. The same applies to Twitter.
Photo: SensorTower
As for Tik Tok, Instagram, Youtube, and Pinterest - these pages are worth keeping if the B2C business model, and you have time or money to maintain these social networks. And if Tik Tok, Pinterest, and Instagram can still be conducted on their own, then for Youtube, most likely, the help of the operator or editor will be needed.
With a reasonable budget or tremendous creativity, these channels can become a real storehouse of customers for a startup.
If the company is going to enter the market of the USA, Great Britain, or Australia - we will recall the Quora and Reddit. These sites can help a startup get traffic, but it’s better to register one of the founders there, and not a company.
Responses and publications on behalf of the company, there are often perceived as advertising and banned. But the creator of the company can become a real expert there, which will help not only promote the business but also create an association of the brand with the creator.
In general, the above sites are absolutely enough for doing business on the network and creating an image for a startup. The first category of sites will help the company get on the radar to potential partners and investors, and the second part can find potential customers for the company.



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What Sites and Social Networks Do Your Startup Need
The startup creator should think about what social networks and platforms the information about his project will be presented on. Conventionally, such sites can be divided into mandatory for business and those that depend on the business model.
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