Game service subscription Apple Arcade has been operating for about a month. For some users, the free trial period has already come t...

Game service subscription Apple Arcade has been operating for about a month. For some users, the free trial period has already come to an end. Someone will renew the subscription, someone - on the contrary. Now we’ll talk about the reasons why you should sign up for Apple Arcade. We will also argue against it.
1) For - low cost
You can sign up for Apple Arcade for only two hundred rubles a month - it's cheap. For the money, you get access to dozens of games of various genres. Do not forget about the free trial period for the whole month.

2) Against - there are still few games, and their quality is poor
Unfortunately, yet sophisticated gamers from games in Apple Arcade are not thrilled. Indeed, most of the positions there are frankly pass-through projects that I want to close 5 minutes after launch. Gaming pearls are currently units.

Let's hope that everything will change in the future, but so far the library leaves much to be desired.
3) Pros - there are no advertisements or in-app purchases in games
Absolutely all games in Apple Arcade are devoid of annoying extra purchases and ubiquitous advertising. No banners on the half display or offers of a paid upgrade.

4) Against - there is a possibility of stagnation
Unfortunately, it is possible that the potential of Apple Arcade will not be revealed. Games, of course, will be released, but not in the quantity and quality that we are counting on. It all depends on Apple, the budget and cooperation with talented teams igrodelov.

5) For - there are still good games, and they allow us to hope for a bright future
And the last - despite the abundance of frankly no games, in Apple Arcade there was a place for truly high-quality works. They then allow us to hope that the service will work out and in a year it will be a real mobile gaming Eden.

To the creatures that inspire hope in us, we include:
- Oceanhorn 2: The most beautiful game at the moment in Apple Arcade, which during development was called a kind of "Zelda" for the iPhone. Of course, it is not such, however, it is capable of giving a dozen hours of pleasure at a time. And it allows us to hope for the appearance in the service of truly complex and complex projects in the future.
- Sayonara Wild Hearts: An arcade game with amazing music and a bright, unusual picture. The idea of the authors is that everything you see is literally a pop album, and the action takes place inside a broken heart.
- Sonic Racing: Sega has prepared for Apple Arcade a rather entertaining racing arcade game with your favorite heroes. Yes, on large consoles the “racing” Sonic is objectively better, but on an iPhone, it can give a couple of hours of pleasure.
What do our readers think about the prospects for Apple Arcade?