According to a hair specialist, if your hair is falling fast, five useful fruits can slow down the process of hair falling. These fruits prevent hair from falling. These beneficial fruits are readily available around the world.

According to a hair specialist, if your hair is falling fast, five useful fruits can slow down the process of hair falling. These fruits prevent hair from falling. These beneficial fruits are readily available around the world.
Internationally famous hair specialist, Dr. Bashar Bizrah says, although the most significant cause of hair fall is hereditary or genetic. But, if due to some other reason, hair is falling fast, so papaya, pineapple, apple, kiwi and peach have natural ingredients to prevent from hair fall and hair weakness.
Apple removes hair dandruff, while peach saves our hair from being thin and broken. Similarly, eating pineapples, kiwi, and papaya are also beneficial for healthy hair. These fruits help give nutritious to hair, including pores and roots. And thus, make hair stronger from roots.
According to Dr. Bashar, Some efficient and useful amino acids are presents in red meat, fish, beans, eggs, and milk products. These amino acids keep skin protein collagen in healthy condition. But these amino acids only show their effect at that time, when vitamin C used with them. It makes amino acids to become body component.
1: Papaya

Papaya is the rich source of vitamin C. In large papaya, 235 mm Vitamin C is found. The amount of which is equal to two oranges.
2: Pineapple

Pineapple can reduce free radicals. It contains vitamin B6, manganese and vitamins C. All these natural ingredients, strengthen hair roots in the head of older and aged people
3: Peach

According to Dr. Bashar, Hair health is related to moisture in the skull. And that's why people have been putting oil in the head for thousands of years. However, the Creator of mankind has also given a natural oil in hair roots, which keeps hair oily and moisturized. But if it decreases, the hair starts to be affected۔ Here peach reduce this deficiency because they contain vitamin A and C. These are both natural moisturizers.
4: Kiwi

Kiwi is now available very much in Asian countries۔ It has several types of vitamins, flavonoids, antioxidants, beta carotenes. All of them make skin and hair moisturized together. Kiwi is a rich source of zinc, phosphorus, and magnesium, which improves the blood circulation in the head, and hair growth becomes sharp.
5: Apple

The apple contains vitamins A, B, and C. All these together make the skin moisturized and clean from dandruff. Besides, anti-oxidants prevent the destruction of the cells. In the Year 2002 Japanese research proved that if some of the ingredients of apples extracted and used, it will start hair rejuvenation.